Wahlstrand Wins Chamber’s Woman of Achievement Award

  • By Ayres
  • April 21, 2016


Ayres Associates’ Disa Wahlstrand, PE, LEED AP, vice president of engineering services, recently was awarded the Woman of Achievement Award by the Eau Claire Area Chamber of Commerce, which presents the award to a candidate who assists women in reaching their full leadership potential and devotes time and energy to improving the community’s quality of life.

Disa packs her full schedule with service to professional organizations as well as volunteering with Junior Achievement, the Mayo Clinic Arts Committee, The Community Table, the Regional STEM Committee, Bob’s House for Dogs, and various youth sports, including serving as a youth ski and soccer coach.

Disa supervises 40 professionals in Ayres Associates’ Eau Claire, Madison, Waukesha, and Green Bay offices. Before her promotion to vice president, Disa served as manager of our Eau Claire municipal group for 10 years. She joined the firm in 1995 as a project engineer and has been climbing the corporate ladder ever since.