Tag: Water Quality
Why Are Wetlands Critical? Think Flood Control, Clean Water
Can you think of a single popular saying that uses the word “bog” or “swamp” in a positive way? Good luck. Not that long ago, bogs and swamps were viewed as areas that were too wet for any productive use, home to buzzing mosquitos and strange plants. That image is changing. Bogs, swamps, marshes, and… Read More »
Best Management Practices for Stormwater Runoff Facilities: Detention vs. Retention
April showers bring more than May flowers. Snow melt and springtime rains also bring stormwater runoff pains. Why is stormwater runoff a problem? Stormwater runoff impacts two areas: water quantity and water quality. When vegetative surface cover is replaced with streets and buildings, the rate of stormwater runoff, which starts as precipitation (rain, sleet, and… Read More »