Tag: Transportation

Asphalt vs. Concrete: Not a Black and White Choice

The most basic way state and local transportation departments can decide whether to pave a road with concrete or to go with asphalt is pretty simple: Asphalt costs less initially, but concrete lasts longer. The overall trend of rising oil prices since 2000 has raised the price of asphalt and reduced its price advantage over… Read More »

FAST Act Provides 5-Year Transportation Funding

For the first time in a decade, federal transportation funding has a road map to the future. It’s called FAST Act. In cooperation with the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Ayres Associates’ Waukesha, Wisconsin, office recently hosted a webinar that took a 360-degree tour of the FAST Act legislation… Read More »

Entering a Roundabout and See Flashing Lights Behind You? Keep Calm, and Carry On

It’s 5:30 p.m., and you’re just hitting the road for your commute home. With kids buckled in the back seat and the bag of groceries you just picked up tucked away in the trunk, you’re homeward-bound – and then you see flashing emergency lights in your rearview mirror. And to complicate matters, you’ve just entered… Read More »