Tag: Traffic Engineering

Get Me Out of Here! Engineers Help Clear the Path for Hurricane Evacuees

Take a traffic jam and mix in the panic of unpredictable devastation from Mother Nature. Motorists endure the juxtaposition of hurry up and wait while the clock is ticking. Many have only the clothes on their backs and a few supplies as they flee their homes to a destination unknown – hopefully a safe one.… Read More »

Wauwatosa Goes Green on Bike-Friendly Street

What’s black and red and green all over on North Avenue in the Wisconsin city of Wauwatosa? That’s the newly reconstructed black asphalt roadway with its red-painted crosswalks and, most prominently, its bright green bike lanes and bike boxes along 16 city blocks. Wauwatosa leaders and others celebrated the City’s first bicycle- and pedestrian-friendly roadway… Read More »