Tag: Structural Inspection

Navigating New Ground: Knowing Rules of Commercial UAS Use is Crucial

An unmanned aircraft system (UAS) was used to inspect the lighting assembly at the top of a high mast light pole approximately 120 feet in the air. By David Crissey Examining and evaluating the structural integrity of the signs above you, the traffic and signal poles alongside you on the highway, and the bridges you… Read More »

Inspections Aim to Keep Signs Up Where They Belong

“Sign, sign, everywhere a sign Blocking out the scenery, breaking my mind, Do this, don’t do that, can’t you read the sign?” These lyrics from 1970 (Five Man Electrical Band) are more true today than ever. Whether we’re at the grocery store, airport, zoo, state park, or driving down the highway, signs of all shapes… Read More »

Building Bridges to Better Infrastructure

This week is National Infrastructure Week. The origins of the week date back to 2013, when the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) famously graded America’s infrastructure at a D+. Following that disappointing report card, a nonpartisan coalition of businesses, labor organizations, and policymakers started Infrastructure Week to raise awareness of the dangerous conditions and… Read More »