Tag: Safety

Pavement Markings, Crosswalk Beacons Help Students Get Back to School

Green bike lanes and bike box and continental crosswalks in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin As students in many parts of the nation begin a new academic year, families face the question of how their children will safely reach school. If the commute is relatively short, a simple and healthy solution is for children to walk or bike… Read More »

Eclipse Traffic Congestion? Planning Provides Cure

Most metropolitan areas experience traffic congestion. Commuters endure hours of travel to get to their destinations, and traffic engineers work tirelessly to untangle those traffic tie-ups. New construction, highway expansion, and public transit are all solutions to recurring congestion. But what about special events that may only draw commuting crowds once a year – or… Read More »

Traffic Circulates Nicely as Roundabout Conference Attendees Observe

Captured in Google Earth, this 1-mile stretch of West Main Street in Carmel, Indiana, has seven roundabouts lined up, with three more just to the south. The city of about 85,000 people has close to 100 roundabouts, which is one of the highest concentrations of roundabouts in the United States. By Kevin Kuhlow, PE Transportation… Read More »