Tag: Florida

Tampa Tough Mudders Help Support Our Veterans

Think you’re tough? Several of our Tampa staffers decided to answer that question in a very tangible way on November 8. Bridge inspectors James Rozar, Taras Kotsyuba, and Ben Schaefer and transportation engineer Jason Rosacia tested their stamina (and tolerance for mud, ice, electric shocks, and more) at the Central Florida Tough Mudder in Kissimmee.… Read More »

Ayres Helps Pack Medical Gear for Ebola Zone and Beyond

A group of Ayres Associates leaders and managers recently stepped out of the office and into a medical warehouse, all in the name of the greater good. An 18-member group spent the morning of Oct. 17 helping the nonprofit organization Advocates for World Health (AWH) sort through surplus medical supplies in its Tampa, Florida, warehouse.… Read More »

Roundabouts: A New Way Through

To the uninitiated, driving through a roundabout for the first time can be a little intimidating and confusing. Or it can just plain make you dizzy (but only if you forget to exit). The fact is, roundabouts are growing in popularity as people realize their many benefits. According to the website RoundaboutsUSA, the number of… Read More »