Roundabout Intersection Wins WisDOT Excellence Award
Ayres won a Consultant Rural Design Award from the Wisconsin Department of Transportation’s Excellence in Highway Design program. The award was for the USH 8 and STH 47 intersection project in Oneida County in WisDOT’s North Central Region.
This important juncture in Rhinelander has been transformed from a safety concern to the area’s first roundabout. In addition to addressing severe pavement deficiencies, the project greatly improves the safety and traffic operations at this key north woods connecting point, accommodating the needs of all vehicles traveling through it.
The Ayres project team members honored with the award are Andy Dana, PE, project manager; Kevin Kuhlow, PE, roundabout designer and transportation services manager in Madison; Ryan Schaitel, PE, transportation engineer; and Kevin Soufal, senior designer.
Ayres provided preliminary design for both signalized and roundabout alternatives for the intersection in Rhinelander before completing the selected roundabout design; drainage and lighting design; railroad, utility, and agency coordination; and preparation of environmental and design reports.