Smart Sand General Engineering
« Return to Project SearchSmart Sand, Inc., retained Ayres under an on-call contract to provide professional services for a sand mining and processing facility in Oakdale, Wisconsin. Ayres is providing site engineering for the sand processing facility. These services include:
Site selection analysis
Boundary, ALTA, and topographic surveying
Property and mining lease legal descriptions
Soils investigation coordination, studies, and evaluations
Environmental assessment and investigation
Stormwater engineering, permit preparation, and inspection
Wetland delineation
Pre-blasting survey inspections
Coordination for development of drilling plans
Individual sand mine site engineering
Sand processing facility foundation engineering
Well engineering
State and county reclamation plan preparation
State and county non-metallic mining permit preparation
Preparation of Wisconsin Pollutant Discharge Elimination permits
Coordination and preparation of air permits
Construction bidding and contract administration services
One of the major projects under the contract involved roadway design services to improve Grossbeak Avenue from CTH “PP” to a point approximately 2 miles to the east.
- Brian Lambert, Project Manager
- Gareth Shambeau, Manager - Engineering Services
- Greg Carr, Project Coordinator
- Christopher Badtke, Professional Land Surveyor
- Dan Sydow, Manager - Structural Engineering
- Aaron Sale, Supervisor - Geospatial Services
- Matthew Vinopal, Senior Project Manager - Geospatial Services
- Mark Petersen, Supervisor - Transportation Services
- Doug D'Jock, Professional Land Surveyor
- Mitchell Banach, Geologist
Project Information
Client's NameSmart Sand, Inc.
LocationOakdale, WI
Primary ServiceCivil + Municipal Engineering
MarketIndustrial + Manufacturing