Madison Pleasant View Road Design
« Return to Project SearchThe City of Madison selected Ayres to complete the environmental document, design reports, agency coordination, traffic analysis, utility coordination, public involvement, survey, plat preparation, preliminary and final roadway plans, and culvert underpass and retaining wall plans for the Pleasant View Road project. The new corridor was designed within a tight time frame as a four-lane divided roadway and included reconfiguration of two intersections into roundabouts.
Pedestrian and bike facilities were incorporated into the plans, including pedestrian underpasses under CTH M and Pleasant View Road. Eight cast-in-place concrete retaining walls were designed along the roadway, tying into the ends of the underpass structures. The retaining walls have aesthetic form liners on the exposed face and railings on top of the walls. Four moreretaining walls were designed along the CTH M right-of-way to avoid purchasing additional right-of-way and to accommodate stormwater drainage.
Storm sewer, sanitary sewer, and water main facilities were installed, along with street lighting, landscaping, signing, and pavement marking.
- Jamey Reid, Supervisor - Land Survey
- Dave Pantzlaff, Director of Midwest Transportation Services
- Brian Lambert, Project Manager
- Nicholas Hoernke, Transportation Engineer
- John Baneck, Project Manager/Transportation Engineer
- Arlen Beaudette, Project Manager/Structural Engineer
- Kimberly Ballweg, Supervisor - Construction Services
- Alexander Cowan, Project Manager/Traffic Engineer
Project Information
Client's NameCity of Madison
LocationMadison, WI
Primary ServiceRoadway Design
MarketLocal Government