Willow River State Park Little Falls Dam Inspection

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The Wisconsin Department of Administration, Division of Facilities Development and Management, retained Ayres to complete a detailed inspection of the Little Falls Dam in Willow River State Park.

The project included reviewing existing information for the dam, evaluating its structural configuration, and providing recommendations for additional analysis if warranted.

Services included completing an underwater inspection of the upstream and downstream sides of the spillway; conducting a detailed inspection of the four spillway tainter gates; preparing and submitting a summary report of findings to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR); and providing recommendations for future studies and preliminary cost estimates for recommended repairs.

The project also involved preparing an Inspection Operation and Maintenance Plan (IOMP) for the dam. The IOMP will identify key personnel and their responsibilities, including operational procedures, identification of emergencies, high flow operation, general inspection procedures, and maintenance requirements. A draft copy of the plan was submitted to state park staff for review, and a final copy was forwarded to the WDNR after incorporating the staff comments.

Other services included preparing an Emergency Action Plan (EAP) for the dam, which includes an inundation map developed by Ayres under a separate contract to determine the downstream limits for property notifications.

Project Information

Client's Name

Wisconsin Department of Administration, Division of Facilities Development and Management


Hudson, WI

Primary Service

Structural Inspection


State + Federal + Tribal