Lima Road Bridge Study & Replacement

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The Town of Wilson retained Ayres to perform a structural assessment and bridge design services for the Lima Road bridge over the Black River. The deterioration of the structure, which is on a dead-end road, raised concerns about keeping it open to heavier loads. A feasibility study for rehabilitation and replacement alternatives was performed to establish preliminary cost estimates of alternatives for the Town’s use in securing funding.

The Town decided to replace the timber superstructure using Sheboygan County bridge aid funding. To keep one lane of traffic open on this dead-end road, the design included provisions for staged construction. Steel sheet pile wingwalls and prefabricated timber slab panels were used to minimize the construction time frame. The 45-foot-long, three-span timber bridge was widened from 23 feet to 28 feet.

Ayres’ design services included structural inspection, bridge alternatives report, utility and agency coordination, bridge design and plans, roadway design and plans, specifications, and bidding documents. Ayres also provided construction engineering services.

Project Information

Client's Name

Town of Wilson, WI (Sheboygan County)


Sheboygan County, WI

Primary Service

Structural Design & Analysis


Local Government