Adams County Easton Dam Repairs

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The Easton Dam is one of nine Adams County-owned structures inspected by Ayres in 2006. The inspection revealed that there was seepage through the embankment and that piping was a problem. Ayres completed a feasibility study in 2007 and evaluated five alternatives for repairing the dam, including removal. The study included a dam failure analysis to assign a hazard classification to the dam. The dam failure analysis indicated the dam is a low hazard structure, which required the structure to pass a 100-year event through the principal and emergency spillways.

To address concerns at the Easton Dam, Ayres designed a replacement spillway and a seepage drainage blanket. Design tasks included developing a spillway rating curve, stability analysis, and the design of a seepage drainage blanket. Ayres prepared plans and specifications and provided construction observation.

Project Information

Client's Name

Adams County, WI


Adams County, WI

Primary Service

River Engineering + Water Resources


Local Government