
Over the years, we’ve been honored to welcome some of the most talented minds in the industry to our team, and our partners benefit from their knowledge, guidance, and expertise.

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John Hunt

National Practice Leader - Hydraulics

Fort Collins, CO

"I've gotten to know people in most of the offices, and I really believe that caring is a distinctive hallmark of this company. Caring about each other, caring about clients as friends, and caring deeply about the effects of our projects on the communities we serve."
John Hunt

Drawing upon more than 30 years of experience in water resources engineering, I manage Ayres' river engineering discipline and manage projects in bridge hydraulics, scour analysis, culvert design, and roadway drainage. I have been responsible for the hydraulics, scour, and countermeasure studies for hundreds of bridges in 15 states and overseas.

I teach the Federal Highway Administration National Highway Institute (FHWA/NHI) HEC-RAS course nationwide and contributed to the HEC-RAS Hydraulic Reference Manual and the new FHWA manual HDS 7 "Hydraulic Design of Safe Bridges." I've received Instructor of Excellence awards from NHI for my teaching in 2012, 2013, and 2019.

My primary areas of expertise include:

  • Hydraulic design of bridges
  • Bridge scour evaluations
  • Plans of action for scour critical bridges
  • One-dimensional hydraulic modeling
  • Two-dimensional hydrodynamics
  • Floodplain restudies
  • Floodplain management
  • Sediment transport
  • MS, Civil Engineering, University of California, Davis
  • BS, Civil Engineering, Colorado State University
  • Registered Professional Engineer, NC
  • Registered Professional Engineer, CO