Over the years, we’ve been honored to welcome some of the most talented minds in the industry to our team, and our partners benefit from their knowledge, guidance, and expertise.

"I enjoy solving our clients' many challenges as they work toward reaching their project goals. I also enjoy working with our staff and seeing them mature and progress toward their career goals."Jamey Reid
I joined Ayres as a survey crew chief in 1993. My responsibilities include project management, right-of-way plat preparation, large scale control surveys, construction surveying for large projects, and technical quality assurance/quality control for a variety of land surveying and engineering projects.
I work with clients and regulatory agencies to meet project objectives and schedules in a timely and responsive fashion to make a real impact on the success of projects. I supervise staff in our Madison and Waukesha, Wisconsin, offices, and I provide support and mentorship to nurture the development of technical survey staff.
My areas of expertise include:
- Field layout and inspection
- Street construction staking
- Transportation surveys for streets and bridges
- Topographic surveys and mapping
- Staking and preparation of final plats
- Section corner retracement
- Subdivision control surveys
- Boundary surveys
- Construction and verification surveys
- Computerized drafting/intergraph system
- Electronic data collection/Geodimeter Total Stations
- Right-of-way plats and descriptions
- Route surveys
- GPS surveys
- Computer design using COGO, CAiCE, and MicroStation
- Hydrographic surveys and plotting
- ALTA/ASCME surveys
- Development: platting, planning, and design
- AS, Civil Engineering Technology, Mid-State Technical College
- Professional Land Surveyor, WI
- Professional Land Surveyor, CO
- Fly Dane
- Racine West 6th Street Bridge
- US 51 Rehabilitation
- Telecommunications Geospatial Services
- Rock County New CTH BT
- US 41 Corridor Survey
- UW-Madison East Utilities
- Pleasant View Road Design
- Whispering Willow Wind Farm
- Verona Old CTH PB Bridge
- Delton Dam Analysis/Repair
- Waukesha CTH L Improvements
- Dodge County Bridge Replacements
- Adams County Easton Dam
- Harrington Beach State Park
- Plank Road Bridge Rehabilitations
- Lafayette CTH U Bridge Replacement
- I-39/US 51 Interchange Signals
- Waukesha County South East Avenue
- Grafton Bridge Street Dam
- Ozaukee County STH 33