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Colin Barry


Fort Collins, CO

I take pride in my capability and proficiency in the field of geomorphology. I have more than five years of experience using geomorphic analyses that integrate hydrology, hydraulics, sediment transport, geology, and geomorphology to develop process-based understandings of fluvial system dynamics for a wide range of projects and clients.

I've been working along the Colorado Front Range on projects that include city-wide master planning, post-wildfire hydrologic modeling, process-based stream design, fluvial hazard delineation, and geomorphic assessments. I develop and deploy stream assessment and prioritization strategies highlighting spatial variation throughout riparian systems with cost-effective collection methods.

A rewarding focus for me has been the 2013 flood recovery work along the Front Range, including designing resilient stream systems to operate in confined urban settings as well as more natural settings with minimal encroachment. I helped municipalities in southern Colorado to model and prepare for increased flooding and sediment input resulting from the Spring Creek Fire.

  • MS, Hydrologic Science, Colorado School of Mines
  • BS, Geology, Bates College
  • Registered Professional Geologist, WA
  • Registered Professional Geologist, WY