Search Results for "roundabout"

Back-in Angle Parking: Easier, Safer

  Why Back-in Angle Parking? Studies have shown it’s safer and easier than parallel and front-in angle parking Visibility is increased for the driver as they leave their parking space Eliminates the risk of a driver clipping bicyclists and other motorists while opening their door Just as roundabouts have taken drivers some time to get… Read More »

Traffic Analysis Software Helps Reduce Congestion

Maneuvering from Point A to Point B can be risky business if roadway congestion has you suddenly hitting the brakes. Motorists navigating Cascade Road at the I-285 interchange in Fulton County, Georgia, have been dealing with crashes, delays, and other traffic inefficiencies there for years. Congestion along the Cascade Road corridor – a principal arterial… Read More »

Dig Into an Engineering Internship

Most of Emily Harrison’s last two summers were filled with hot sun, noisy trucks and tractors, the aroma of hot asphalt, watching oozing concrete framed neatly into sections, and getting mud on her boots. It’s a dream come true. Emily, an intern with Ayres Associates’ Construction Services group, assisted with construction observation and administration for… Read More »