Kuhlow Named Manager of Transportation Services in Madison
Kevin Kuhlow, PE, has been named manager of transportation services in our Madison office.
Kuhlow oversees staff managing transportation projects for the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, counties, cities, villages, and towns. His leadership is informed by his experience in project management, public involvement, design, client contact, agency coordination, and plan preparation for transportation projects.
Kuhlow has over two decades of transportation design and project management experience, and he’s a leading U.S. roundabout designer. Kuhlow’s work on roundabouts has included extensive experience with public information meetings aimed at educating the public and gaining agency, community, and public acceptance for projects. He’s been involved with developing hundreds of roundabouts throughout North America since 2000.
Kuhlow previously managed Ayres’ traffic engineering group, making sure our transportation design projects effectively address safety and traffic operation needs through traffic modeling, skillful design of signalized and roundabout intersections, and optimized signal timing.
“Kevin excels in working with the public and with clients, delivering solutions even where consensus does not come easily,” says Eric Sorensen, PE, vice president of transportation. “I look forward to watching our base of satisfied clients grow in southwest and south-central Wisconsin.”
Kuhlow holds professional engineer registrations in Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Florida, and Arkansas. He holds a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He’s a member of the Institute of Transportation Engineers.