Geomorphologist Promoted in Stream & Stormwater Group
Colin Barry, PG, CFM, has been promoted to a higher professional classification within Ayres’ Stream and Stormwater Group. While his title of geomorphologist is not changing, Barry’s promotion coincides with the growth in his influence within the company’s Western Division. He is based in Fort Collins, Colorado.
Barry’s promotion is in recognition of the high level of technical work and leadership he is providing. He also has proved his great gift for business development, as Barry’s client outreach has been a significant factor in Ayres’ success in providing a large volume of post-fire mitigation work for the City of Greeley and stream coalitions around the region.
Barry, who is seven years into his professional career, already has gained the trust of clients and is on track to learn the ropes of project management. He is in the early stages of Ayres’ extensive training process for future project managers.
“Colin is a natural at the business development aspect of our work,” says Anthony Alvarado, Stream and Stormwater manager. “Combined with his technical skill and commitment to getting things right for clients, Colin definitely has all the ingredients of an up-and-coming leader.”
Barry is a registered professional geologist in Wyoming and an ASFPM-certified floodplain manager. He holds a master’s degree in hydrologic science from the Colorado School of Mines and a bachelor’s degree in geology from Bates College.