Category: Water Resources

Lots of Water over the Dam: Bakken Wraps up 41-Year Career

The year was 1973, and the U.S. unemployment rate was 4.9% and growing. Newly minted civil engineers like Jim Bakken were working wherever they could; for Jim, a fall 1972 graduate, that meant continuing the job he had his junior and senior years at the University of Minnesota – working as a janitor at 3M… Read More »

Colorado Clients Benefit from Award-Winning Projects

Ayres engineers in Colorado — and their clients — are happy to see some recent projects recently get statewide recognition. In the first award-winning project, Ayres helped the City of Loveland, Colorado, save its water supply immediately following the September 2013 catastrophic flood. The flood damaged two of three water lines feeding the City and… Read More »

Colorado Floods: A Year Later

It’s been a little over a year now since employees in our Colorado offices experienced a catastrophic flood, giving our water resources engineers a chance to put their skills to a serious test. The September 2013 flood made national headlines and sent the state scrambling to deal first with the emergency and then with the… Read More »