Category: Water Resources

Saturday is National Trails Day! But Hang On. How Did Those Trails Get There?

Saturday is National Trails Day and offers a really good excuse (if you needed one) to discover, learn about, and celebrate America’s trails. Looking for a National Trails Day event? Just check out the National Trails Day website to see what’s going on in your area. So a completed trail is great, but how do… Read More »

It Takes a Village — and a Few Engineers and Architects — to Raise a College Graduate

Editor’s Note: Ayres Associates marketing intern Blaine Burnham is graduating this week from the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. He’s had a definite impact at Ayres in the past eight months – and he’s learned that Ayres has had a big impact on his life on campus. Here’s his story: Certain places on campus have made… Read More »

Environmentally Sensitive Streambank Stabilization Takes Root in TRB Research

When you’re driving down the highway and cross a bridge with a river or stream flowing below, have you ever looked at what lies beneath? Probably not if you’re driving (safety first!) – but next time you’re a passenger, take a look. Protection measures installed on the riverbank are critical to protecting the adjacent roadway.… Read More »