Category: Water Resources

Road Closed — But Engineers Are On The Scene

The culvert that carried Trout Brook under STH 13 at North York in Ashland County, Wisconsin, was washed out July 11 after torrential rains hit the area.   By Jeff Abramson, PE “All the roads into Mellen (Wisconsin) were closed this morning from washouts and bridges gone.” That daunting line in an Associated Press report… Read More »

To Dam It Or Not To Dam It

By Pete Haug, PE As a water resources engineer who’s inspected hundreds of river structures and dams over the past 15 years, I’ve seen dams at their best and worst. You have those fully functional dams dutifully retaining water, maintaining flood control, assisting with irrigation, controlling sedimentation, and supplying hydropower. And you have those that… Read More »

Proper Permits Keep Projects Moving Forward

Securing proper permits is a vital task that can make or break an engineering or architecture project. The chances are slim that a developer can plow through an empty field, tear through a waterway, dig underground, or even knock down a tree without an agency saying, “Wait a second. Prove you know what you’re doing… Read More »