Category: Transportation Engineering

Florida Committee Heads off Construction Conflicts among Utilities, FDOT, Contractors

Sometimes the two greatest tools at an engineer’s disposal are a phone and the right number to call. One day not too long ago, one of our clients, a major telecom firm, found itself facing a potential delay claim due to not having its facilities relocated along a section of a roadway that was being… Read More »

Project Designs Incorporate Protections for Endangered, Threatened Species

Most students entering the fields of engineering, planning, or landscape architecture probably don’t give much thought to protecting Northern long-eared bats, manatees, Kirtland’s warblers, or Higgins’ eye pearlymussels. As careers progress, however, it’s likely these professionals will deal with an animal or plant that is on the federal endangered and threatened species list while designing… Read More »

New Funding Available for Wisconsin Transportation Projects

Wisconsin’s transportation system is getting a welcome funding boost: $75 million for qualifying projects, with as little as 10% local funding. Here’s what you need to know about the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) Multimodal Local Supplement (MLS) program for transportation improvements. Who is Eligible to Apply for MLS Funds? Local units of government with… Read More »