Category: Transportation Engineering

How to Cure Concrete in Cold Conditions

By Pete Haug, PE, and Todd Rudolph, PE In any process where water is involved, crossing the freezing mark can be a deal breaker. That is the case for curing concrete, which needs to happen above freezing. Failure to adhere to this rule will result in curing that takes significantly longer – and possibly concrete… Read More »

Reimagining Resilience

By Keely Campbell, PG Resilience is the capacity of a system, like a community, to absorb disturbance while preserving its basic function and structure. As our communities become more and more complex, so are the hurdles they face. While efforts to foster community resilience often focus on the ability to recover from adversity, hardy resilience… Read More »

Innovative Intersections Make Roads Safer

By Kevin Kuhlow, PE, and Alexander Cowan, PE, PTOE Most drivers have either been involved with or have witnessed a scary crash or near miss at an intersection. About the Expert: Kevin Kuhlow, PE, manages transportation services in our Madison, Wisconsin, office. He has been involved with developing hundreds of innovative intersections and roundabouts throughout… Read More »