Category: Transportation Engineering

Three Do’s (And Two Definite Don’ts!) to Keep a Roundabout Island Alive And Well

How to Design Roundabout Plantings That Are Healthy all Year Don’t compact the soil. Provide soil that stands up to road salt. Pick plants suited to dry conditions. Plant thick to fight weeds. Water faithfully throughout the first growing season.   The center area of a roundabout can turn into a weedy, underdeveloped island. The… Read More »

Entering a Roundabout and See Flashing Lights Behind You? Keep Calm, and Carry On

It’s 5:30 p.m., and you’re just hitting the road for your commute home. With kids buckled in the back seat and the bag of groceries you just picked up tucked away in the trunk, you’re homeward-bound – and then you see flashing emergency lights in your rearview mirror. And to complicate matters, you’ve just entered… Read More »

If You Build a 240,000-Square-Foot Grocery, They Will Come (But Put Up Traffic Signals First!)

A large retailer is coming to town, building on a highly visible plot of vacant land. What do you do to get the customers there? That’s the question officials in the City of Altoona, Wisconsin, needed to answer this summer. The new retailer is Woodman’s Market, a grocery superstore of 240,000 square feet – more… Read More »