Category: Transportation Engineering

Dig Into an Engineering Internship

Most of Emily Harrison’s last two summers were filled with hot sun, noisy trucks and tractors, the aroma of hot asphalt, watching oozing concrete framed neatly into sections, and getting mud on her boots. It’s a dream come true. Emily, an intern with Ayres Associates’ Construction Services group, assisted with construction observation and administration for… Read More »

Extended Wind, Solar Incentives Pose Opportunities

The extension of federal tax incentives for wind and solar projects – part of the budget passed by Congress in late 2015 – may have developers, businesses, and homeowners taking a closer look at solar and wind projects in the next few years. These complex projects require a wide range of services and rapid, responsive… Read More »

HD Scanning Quickly Gets the Lay of the Land – Or Just About Anything Else You Need Surveyed

When it comes to completing an as-built survey or an asset inventory, HD laser scanning is making amazing things possible – in short order and with exceptional accuracy. HD scanning is the answer if a client needs to check a finished roadway against design criteria, precisely measure a bridge’s clearance, or create a 3-D representation… Read More »