Category: Transportation Engineering

6 Reasons to Hire a Registered Professional

Why hire a registered professional? What difference does it make that your engineer, architect, geologist, landscape architect, surveyor, mapper, or soil scientist has a professional license? It makes all the difference if you want your project to be safe, long-lasting, and built to code. Arizona legislators introduced a bill earlier this year seeking to abolish… Read More »

FAST Act Provides 5-Year Transportation Funding

For the first time in a decade, federal transportation funding has a road map to the future. It’s called FAST Act. In cooperation with the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Ayres Associates’ Waukesha, Wisconsin, office recently hosted a webinar that took a 360-degree tour of the FAST Act legislation… Read More »

Improvements Increase Dam Safety, Capacity

Spring is in the air. Mother Nature made it official on Sunday, and Ayres Associates is following suit: The spring edition of our corporate magazine, TRENDS, went to press this week. In case your copy hasn’t arrived yet, here’s a sneak peek into what’s inside. (And if you don’t yet receive our magazine, click here… Read More »