Category: Transportation Engineering

Back-in Angle Parking: Easier, Safer

  Why Back-in Angle Parking? Studies have shown it’s safer and easier than parallel and front-in angle parking Visibility is increased for the driver as they leave their parking space Eliminates the risk of a driver clipping bicyclists and other motorists while opening their door Just as roundabouts have taken drivers some time to get… Read More »

Proper Permits Keep Projects Moving Forward

Securing proper permits is a vital task that can make or break an engineering or architecture project. The chances are slim that a developer can plow through an empty field, tear through a waterway, dig underground, or even knock down a tree without an agency saying, “Wait a second. Prove you know what you’re doing… Read More »

Asphalt vs. Concrete: Not a Black and White Choice

The most basic way state and local transportation departments can decide whether to pave a road with concrete or to go with asphalt is pretty simple: Asphalt costs less initially, but concrete lasts longer. The overall trend of rising oil prices since 2000 has raised the price of asphalt and reduced its price advantage over… Read More »