Category: Traffic Engineering

Intelligent Transportation Systems Help Keep Drivers Safe in Work Zones

Work zones bring more than just heavy traffic and headaches – they also bring hazards. Drivers must pay close attention in work zones to successfully drive through the complex array of signs, barrels, and lane shifts. Distracted driving (taking hands off the wheel, eyes off the road, or mind off the road) has contributed to… Read More »

Traffic Engineers Steer Traffic, Corral Cars for Cheyenne Frontier Days

While most drivers likely don’t stop and ponder the science behind a traffic signal when they’re late for work and stuck at a red light, quality traffic engineering is critical to providing safe, efficient roadway travel. Whether it’s studying the relationship between traffic signals on a busy roadway corridor, forecasting future traffic volumes due to… Read More »

Innovations in Transportation Infrastructure

Transportation and traffic engineers are constantly in pursuit of practical, effective solutions. Here’s a sampling of some recent innovations. 1. Back-in angle parking’s advantages vs. standard parking Studies have shown it’s safer and easier than parallel and front-in angle parking. Visibility is increased for the driver when leaving the parking space. The risk of a… Read More »