Category: Traffic Engineering
Cities Find Shared-Use Streets Just Woonerf-ul
A new old street design concept with a funny name is popping up in communities throughout the world. The woonerf (click here for pronunciation) is Dutch for “living street” and is reminiscent of an Old World village square. A woonerf-styled street is shared by cars, trucks, bikes, and people without the need for traffic lights,… Read More »
Back-in Angle Parking: Easier, Safer
Why Back-in Angle Parking? Studies have shown it’s safer and easier than parallel and front-in angle parking Visibility is increased for the driver as they leave their parking space Eliminates the risk of a driver clipping bicyclists and other motorists while opening their door Just as roundabouts have taken drivers some time to get… Read More »
Mixed (Traffic) Signals: Myths and Truths
Here are some of the top traffic signal myths with some truths mixed in for fun: No. 1: If you see a camera on a traffic signal, it’s there to catch speeders and red-light runners. NOT ALWAYS TRUE. While some states and cities use video technology to hand out tickets, cameras are most commonly used… Read More »