Category: Structural Inspection

Strange But True: Proven Methods Keep Structures, Public Safe

Bridge inspectors perform chain drags to check the soundness of the deck’s concrete. By Rick Maslyn, CBI A casual observer of one of our structural inspections might think our inspectors are using strange methods or are trying their best to flush out any zombies that may be in the area. How else would you explain… Read More »

Tale of Two Centuries: How to Save a Historic Bridge

It was three years after the Model T became the first mass-produced automobile when a salesman from the Iowa Bridge Company met with the City of Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin, to extol the virtues of a new type of bridge from the Marsh Engineering Company. The attractive rainbow-arched bridge with glass globe lanterns at each of… Read More »

Top 5 Reasons to Celebrate Civil Engineering

By Disa Wahlstrand, PE, LEED AP It’s National Engineers Week, which makes this a great time to celebrate all engineers. Engineers come in many specializations, from aerospace to software and everything in between. But the engineer with the greatest impact on the public good could well be the civil engineer – designer of water pipes… Read More »