Category: Structural Inspection

Get Me Out of Here! Engineers Help Clear the Path for Hurricane Evacuees

Take a traffic jam and mix in the panic of unpredictable devastation from Mother Nature. Motorists endure the juxtaposition of hurry up and wait while the clock is ticking. Many have only the clothes on their backs and a few supplies as they flee their homes to a destination unknown – hopefully a safe one.… Read More »

It Takes a Village — and a Few Engineers and Architects — to Raise a College Graduate

Editor’s Note: Ayres Associates marketing intern Blaine Burnham is graduating this week from the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. He’s had a definite impact at Ayres in the past eight months – and he’s learned that Ayres has had a big impact on his life on campus. Here’s his story: Certain places on campus have made… Read More »

Dam Safety Starts with Careful Inspections

It’s Dam Safety Awareness Week in Wisconsin, and state residents and visitors are being reminded to be careful around dams by staying alert to changing conditions and obeying all warning signs. And while those are crucial safety tips, there’s another element to ensuring dam safety: The dams themselves need to be safe. The Wisconsin Department… Read More »