Category: Structural Design

Inspectors Make Sure Gorgeous Bridges Are Safe Bridges

By Rick Maslyn, CBI recently compiled a listing of “Gorgeous Photos of Bridges in Every State.” The photos range from suspension and cable-stayed bridges crossing major water bodies to pedestrian bridges in parks. What unites these and most of the approximately 600,000 structures in the United States is that they are safe because they… Read More »

Making a Difference, One Solution at a Time

Design professionals come in many forms. They design, engineer, landscape, survey, map, inspect, and build the infrastructure that surrounds and serves us. But they share one common characteristic: The work they do improves lives. For nearly 60 years, the professionals at Ayres Associates have been working to make your world – and the world of… Read More »

Turn Your Aging Bridge into a Community Highlight

By Dan Sydow, PE Nearly 40% of the United States’ 600,000 bridges are over 50 years old, so chances are your community has an aging structure in need of replacement. But you may be able to turn an unavoidable expense into a bonus for your community, and maybe even draw in tourists. Your first priority… Read More »