Category: Structural Design

Beautiful Bridges: Structurally Sound, Aesthetically Pleasing

The United States has nearly 600,000 bridges, and our structural engineers have designed nearly 1,500 of them. All are important to their local transportation networks, and all have a visual impact on their surrounding environment. That’s why good bridge design considers aesthetics as well as structural integrity –and why our bridge designers bring an artistic… Read More »

HD Scanning Quickly Gets the Lay of the Land – Or Just About Anything Else You Need Surveyed

When it comes to completing an as-built survey or an asset inventory, HD laser scanning is making amazing things possible – in short order and with exceptional accuracy. HD scanning is the answer if a client needs to check a finished roadway against design criteria, precisely measure a bridge’s clearance, or create a 3-D representation… Read More »

Projects That Are Designed With a Sense of Place Never Miss the Mark

Have you ever seen a building or any other structure that seemed out of place – almost as if it had been dropped in from outer space? A well-planned project – whether it is designed for a private company or a public entity – generally does not have that otherworldly feeling. Instead, it seems to… Read More »