Category: Structural Design

Proper Permits Keep Projects Moving Forward

Securing proper permits is a vital task that can make or break an engineering or architecture project. The chances are slim that a developer can plow through an empty field, tear through a waterway, dig underground, or even knock down a tree without an agency saying, “Wait a second. Prove you know what you’re doing… Read More »

Building Bridges to Better Infrastructure

This week is National Infrastructure Week. The origins of the week date back to 2013, when the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) famously graded America’s infrastructure at a D+. Following that disappointing report card, a nonpartisan coalition of businesses, labor organizations, and policymakers started Infrastructure Week to raise awareness of the dangerous conditions and… Read More »

6 Reasons to Hire a Registered Professional

Why hire a registered professional? What difference does it make that your engineer, architect, geologist, landscape architect, surveyor, mapper, or soil scientist has a professional license? It makes all the difference if you want your project to be safe, long-lasting, and built to code. Arizona legislators introduced a bill earlier this year seeking to abolish… Read More »