Category: Landscape Architecture

What Does Brownfield Redevelopment Cost? Right Question Is ‘What Does It Pay?’

If you have a blighted area in your community, you can view it as a liability, or you can see it as an opportunity. That brownfield is probably shouting “ugly, ugly, ugly!” to all who drive by, but it might also be whispering “location, location, location.” Communities that can see beyond the scars and understand… Read More »

Projects That Are Designed With a Sense of Place Never Miss the Mark

Have you ever seen a building or any other structure that seemed out of place – almost as if it had been dropped in from outer space? A well-planned project – whether it is designed for a private company or a public entity – generally does not have that otherworldly feeling. Instead, it seems to… Read More »

It Takes a Village — and a Few Engineers and Architects — to Raise a College Graduate

Editor’s Note: Ayres Associates marketing intern Blaine Burnham is graduating this week from the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. He’s had a definite impact at Ayres in the past eight months – and he’s learned that Ayres has had a big impact on his life on campus. Here’s his story: Certain places on campus have made… Read More »