Category: Geospatial Services

Coming Full Circle: 360-Degree View Aids Projects

By Paul Crocker Everything from shopping to schooling has seemingly gone virtual these days. Taking 360° virtual project tours is now possible too. If you have questions, we have answers: About the Expert: Paul Crocker is a project manager in our survey group. He performs and oversees unmanned aerial system (UAS) missions, coordinates UAS pilots… Read More »

Ayres Lidar Online: Viewing Your World in a 3D Space

Colorized lidar point cloud in the 3D viewer By Adam Derringer, GISP Lidar data has become the accepted authoritative elevation dataset in the world; federal agencies, states, counties, utilities, and the private sector alike budget for this data to help solve problems every day. The problem is, only a few people in any organization can… Read More »

A Decade of Changes in Infrastructure Design

With another decade in the books – and a new one starting up – it’s time to look back on some of the most interesting questions in the architecture/engineering world that technology has answered in the last 10 years. What Will the Finished Project Look Like? How can most people (who aren’t engineers or professional… Read More »