Category: Geospatial Services

Road Closed — But Engineers Are On The Scene

The culvert that carried Trout Brook under STH 13 at North York in Ashland County, Wisconsin, was washed out July 11 after torrential rains hit the area.   By Jeff Abramson, PE “All the roads into Mellen (Wisconsin) were closed this morning from washouts and bridges gone.” That daunting line in an Associated Press report… Read More »

Game On! Pokémon Go and Real-World Applications

As people scour the countryside trying to catch Pokémon, engineers and architects and scientists are working from top to bottom and side to side – calculating X Y coordinates and using sophisticated 3D analysis tools – to perform specialized and highly technical geographic work not unlike the GPS-driven augmented reality game. Pokémon Go, the wildly… Read More »

6 Reasons to Hire a Registered Professional

Why hire a registered professional? What difference does it make that your engineer, architect, geologist, landscape architect, surveyor, mapper, or soil scientist has a professional license? It makes all the difference if you want your project to be safe, long-lasting, and built to code. Arizona legislators introduced a bill earlier this year seeking to abolish… Read More »