Category: General Civil / Municipal

Building Interest: National Engineers Week a Good Time to Focus on STEM Advocacy

By Disa Wahlstrand, PE, LEED AP Each year, engineers throughout the United States celebrate National Engineers Week and its importance in recognizing engineering of all types – and the impact that engineering has on our daily lives. The Engineering Management Institute’s “The Civil Engineering Podcast” has a Women in Civil Engineering series. As part of… Read More »

Permeable Pavement, Pavers Can Be Part of Stormwater Management Solution

Here’s an intriguing thought: Sometimes the best pavement surface is one that isn’t dense and solid. Permeable pavement – also called pervious paving – allows runoff and rainfall to infiltrate through the surface to the soil below. That can be a real asset for communities searching for ways to more effectively move water off streets,… Read More »

Project Designs Incorporate Protections for Endangered, Threatened Species

Most students entering the fields of engineering, planning, or landscape architecture probably don’t give much thought to protecting Northern long-eared bats, manatees, Kirtland’s warblers, or Higgins’ eye pearlymussels. As careers progress, however, it’s likely these professionals will deal with an animal or plant that is on the federal endangered and threatened species list while designing… Read More »