Category: Environmental

A Short Course in Environmental Acronyms

Under NEPA, the EPA (or DOT, NRCS, USDA, or another federal agency) oversees EIA and EIS processes. On the other hand, FWS and NMFS are responsible for overseeing the ESA. OMG. Sometimes the federal government seems to have a language all its own. To help you navigate your way through that territory, here’s a tourist… Read More »

Why Are Wetlands Critical? Think Flood Control, Clean Water

Can you think of a single popular saying that uses the word “bog” or “swamp” in a positive way? Good luck. Not that long ago, bogs and swamps were viewed as areas that were too wet for any productive use, home to buzzing mosquitos and strange plants. That image is changing. Bogs, swamps, marshes, and… Read More »

What Are PFAS, and Why Are They an Emerging Health Concern?

We use many organic and inorganic chemical compounds to develop everyday products, and these chemicals sometimes make it into our soil and groundwater and eventually into our water supply. Consider a group of fluorinated chemicals called PFAS, or per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances. As a group, PFAS are resistant to heat and repel water and oil,… Read More »