Category: Environmental

Lawful Remediation: Enlisting U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Assistance

All environmentally contaminated sites are not created equal. Don’t misunderstand; they’re all complicated in their own way, but some can prove particularly challenging when it comes to environmental cleanup. Certain scenarios are so potentially toxic that they warrant involvement by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the federal entity tasked with abating and controlling pollution… Read More »

End Goal Helps Clients Obtain Success

By Scott Wilson, PSS From working on thousands of projects over the years, we’ve learned that communities find the most success when they start with the end in mind, especially on complicated projects involving multiple grants and funding sources. Most communities feel the pinch of tight budgets and need to rely on grants to get… Read More »

EPA Funding Transforms, Renews Brownfield Sites

Partially through EPA funding, Ayres helped the Village of Waunakee, Wisconsin, turn a contaminated Alloy Casting site into its new library campus. By Scott Wilson, PSS It’s understandable when community leaders look a little uneasy when the words “environmental cleanup site” are mentioned when discussing a piece of developable property that could be eligible for… Read More »