Category: Environmental

Landfill Operation Rising from Ashes after Fire

What do you do when a client experiences a devastating event? You get on the phone, get in your car, and get to work making sure your client has everything needed to keep operations running as smoothly as possible. That was the case last fall after a fire caused major damage to the Highway G… Read More »

Brownfield Redevelopment Can Bring Big Rewards

So what the heck is a brownfield, and why should communities care? Well, a brownfield is much more than where the Cleveland Browns play their home football games! And communities can reap big benefits from brownfield redevelopment projects. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, a brownfield site is property in which its redevelopment may… Read More »

Extended Wind, Solar Incentives Pose Opportunities

The extension of federal tax incentives for wind and solar projects – part of the budget passed by Congress in late 2015 – may have developers, businesses, and homeowners taking a closer look at solar and wind projects in the next few years. These complex projects require a wide range of services and rapid, responsive… Read More »