Holliday Park Connector

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The City of Cheyenne Parks and Recreation Department hired Ayres to design a much-anticipated path that connects existing greenway facilities to Holliday Park. The initial portion of this project included studying two options for a grade-separated crossing of Lincolnway: a tunnel crossing and an overhead bridge crossing. The second phase involved designing the selected option.

The study determined an underground crossing would be constructed under Lincolnway, which is part of the Wyoming State Highway System. The underpass was constructed as an 8-foot-high, 12-foot-wide pre-cast concrete box. In conjunction with this project, a free-flow right-turn lane was removed from Lincolnway and replaced with a dedicated right-turn lane, and the intersection of 13th Street/Dunn Avenue and Nationway was realigned to bring the side streets in at a 90-degree angle.

The existing intersection configurations of Lincolnway and Dunn Avenue and of 13th Street/Dunn Avenue and Nationway had some of the highest traffic crash incidence rates in the City. The realigned intersection is safer for vehicular traffic as well as the greenway users who cross one leg of this intersection.

This project included new storm sewer facilities and improvements to existing water and sanitary sewer facilities. The headwalls and wingwalls for this project are as high as 15 feet.

Construction was completed in 2013 at a cost of approximately $1.2 million.

Project Information

Client's Name

City of Cheyenne


Cheyenne, WY

Primary Service

Roadway Design


Local Government