Zander Welcomed into ACEC College of Fellows
The American Council of Engineering Companies is welcoming Jan Zander, PE, executive vice president, into its College of Fellows.
The College of Fellows is a distinguished class of engineers who have been selected by their peers as deserving recognition for exemplary contributions to the profession. Fellows candidates are nominated by peers through ACEC and its state organizations for admittance based on demonstrated personal commitment, service, leadership, and enhancement of the public image of the consulting engineering profession.
Fellows are encouraged to volunteer as spokespersons for the engineering industry at local civic events, high schools, universities, and other venues that provide opportunities to advance the profession.
The newest ACEC fellows will be formally recognized during the ACEC Fall Conference, which is October 16-19, 2022, in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
“I got involved with ACEC about a decade into my career as part of a design-build legislation review committee,” says Zander, who has been with Ayres for 32 years. “That involvement was spurred by my sense that we needed to make sure the voices of designers would not be minimized or eliminated from projects to the detriment to our communities and professional service providers. My commitment to the professional services community gave me the willingness to say yes. Since then, I have been involved in many issues, committees, and the ACEC Wisconsin Board of Directors. I have learned many things from that experience and always felt I received more than I gave. To represent Ayres and be recognized by ACEC as someone who has contributed to the consulting profession is truly an honor.”